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"Read it if you Dare"

Whose Customers?

Friday, January 8, 2010

We recently had a new restaurant supervisor start and right from the beginning you could see it wasn't going to work out. Fucking rough slapper, no nice way to put it.

I've heard it all before, we did this at this place and that at that place. I don't fucking care! What can you do here, show me what you got. First weekend she got caught eating food of plates cleared from tables. Next weekend, caught drinking the dregs from returned wine bottles. Next weekend, inappropriately dressed with her tits hanging out all over the place. Just a few days ago, she didn't have a buffet set on time, we had to do it for her and as a result the food was 30 minutes late. Today, a small wedding party in the restaurant, and again, nothing set. Not to mention the fact that the party was over an hour late and nobody had made any attempt to contact the group and enquire as to their whereabouts! Hello! Is it just me or is anyone else seeing a pattern here?

I don't care how many excuses you throw at me. If you're going to talk the talk, then be damn sure you know how to walk the walk. Tonight, you could have cut the tension with a knife. I knew the kitchen was going to get hit hard, and I knew she was itching for a chance to take a pop at me. Well of course I didn't disappoint and yes, a 'fucking' did come out of my mouth. I was actually more upset with the kitchen, but then it came..... "Don't swear at me, my customers will hear you" she said. This waste of space speaks, at the best of times, like a fishmongers wife! My reply? "Dry your eyes, shut up and leave me alone!"

Hang on! Whose customers? Oops, I forgot, they all came to our restaurant for you....idiot!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like she is a disaster. It won't be long before upper management catches on. Hopefully..

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA if only......

Cheese said...

HAHAHA i Love It. BUT if only they would act.....

purplegirl said...

Good grief, how was she not canned after eating other peoples' nasty leftovers and drinking on the freaking job?!

Anonymous said...

sounds classy. typical shit monkey from rcoky though.
I heard she passes wind quite often too.

Anonymous said...

mmm, the art of the restaurant suoervisor, how does one get to be the restaurant supervisor as we call it today 20 mins of fame at maccas and all of a sudden we are the one in a fine dining rest who the customers come for their proffessional service the food has nothing to do with it anymore just a side part of the dining experianceof our super creative restaurants these days, after 34 years in this industry i have seen many changes that seem to leave me lost for words. we as chefs wonder where we are going as an industry and look at the skill level of the apprentices and think oh fuck then they are upstaged by the restaurant supervisors that have there head in the sand arse in the air look at me im restaurant supervisor and my shit dont stink time the frontt of house started trying to work with the kitchen as a team of one not as us and them

Hellraiser said...

Waiter Extraordinaire, sadly, upper management have placed her there and are turning a blind eye to the problems.

Cheese, about time you left a comment, and just you wait till I catch up with you.... arghhhhh! =)

Purple Girl, like I said, they're ignoring the problem, but Hellraiser will chip away at it, until it leaves!!

I don't usually reply to anonymous comments but I'll make an exception this time, only because I know who you are ;)I like your '20 minutes of fame' statement, it's so true, and with Chefs these days too! Ours is a time served industry and there's no other better way to gain that experience. I could go get a pilots license in a few months, but that does't mean I could jump into a jumbo jet, or an F111, only experience would get me into one of those.
Honestly, I'm so sick of this front and back of house shit. It's a team effort, or nothing.

ranting chef said...

I know we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but we all do, and that is the same with people. The term restaurant supervisor was not common to me coming from overseas. We had restaurant managers and chef de rang and sommelier back then. Anyway enough dribble. There is nothing super about these average joes. How can we in this industry, (Chefs that is) allow people to have such a position in a dining room that serves our food. We bust our balls to produce the best we can only to have some half wit fuck it all up when they open there mouth or try to supervise a team of students. It should be said that not all can be put into this group but the good ones are few and far between. Not only do we struggle with apprentices but also the front of house, and lets not get started on management lol
Anyway this one sounds like a real talent, I recommend a slap on the wrists and a quiet talking to over coffee....on second thoughts....better still how about FRO and don't come near my place either!!!!
As for 'my customers' it does amaze me that this new supervisor has her own customers, strange that, I thought they were dinning in a restaurant of there own choice...oh well Hellraiser the year can only get better, we hope

mavster said...

the restaurnt supervisor revisted again well can it go to a deeper depth than she already has? i think she has taken it to a new level some ppl have no idea of what a service is or how it should be run in an upmarket restaurant, we have 55 booked booking spead over an hour period thats cool if controlled and the comunication is open between the kitchen and front of house. the first group of tables start to arrive all seated still cool but then the next group are 15 min late and the others 15 min early so instead of controlling the floor fuck it jus seat them all and lets see how it goes. even the 16 y/o suppy atmaccas can see the kitchen is going to be arse fucked here so we dump all the orders in at once and sit back and wait for it to come out wait there why isnt it coming out now shit the ordes have been in for 15 min and no food is coming out? bottleneck in the kitchen the 1st year app who has just started (6 weeks) is still learning what part of the knife is the sharp side a commis (8weeks out of apprenticeship) the food starts to come out by this time the rest suppy has hit melt down totally lost the plot the floor staff try in vain to keep it together but have no leader food goes to wrong tables wrong ppl on the table and at the end of it all its must have been the kitchens fault to slow cant cook and serve quick enough thats how it can be made to look but the fact is we chefs who have a deep passion for customr satisfaction and pride in our profession have to deqal qwith this new word of rest suppy maybe the work for them would be restaurant fuckers because thats all we are getting they have no idea on sequence of service or how to comunicate with the kitchen please bring back the days of the maitre d' and a little bit of professionalism from the floor staff we work in a great industry thats ha so many rewards for what we do but it has to be a team effort from both sides i have a few restaurant that i oversee and to see this sort of servie is sickening as a chef and from someone who's life is this industry

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain hellraiser


Hellraiser said...

D, you know it too well. Thanks for commenting and good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Why does it happen so often that the kitchen brigade pull front of house - or "event co ordinaters" - out the shit - yet the favour is never to be returned??


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